Sandals For Your Thumbs

Click to get Sandals For Your Thumbs Item ID: #15610
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Shoes serve as protection for your feet in the harshest of conditions and we'd probably be in pretty bad shape without them. Why is it then that we've neglected shoes for other body parts? Until now, there never was any safe outerwear for our Thumbs. These Sandals are the ultimate in style, sophistication, protection, and leisure. They are made of a durable, thick rubber and withstand all nature has to offer. Let your Thumbs rejoice in well-deserved acknowledgement for their years of hard work and abuse. Simply keep your Sandals in your pocket and when it's time to take to the outdoors or public places, place you Sandals over your Thumbs and start "Thumbing". That refers to trotting along a path with your Thumbs of course. We're wearing our Thumb Sandals as we write this desciption and by "we" , I mean me and my 2 Thumbs.

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